Bapusaheb Booty

.: ॐ साई राम  :.

Sriman Gopalrao Booty was a millionaire of Nagpur. Booty became eminent devotee of Baba right from his first visit. Bapusaheb Booty was a permanent resident of Shirdi ever since 1910 A. D. Booty's outstanding service to the Sai Sansthan and Baba's devotees was that, he constructed the huge building and devoted it entirely for the Mahasamadhi shrine of Baba. This stone building was known as Booty Wada. Baba used to refer it as Dagadi (stone) Wada. The construction started in 1915. But Baba mentioned about this construction in 1913 to Narke. Baba used to call Bapusaheb Booty as "Butayya". After the noon Arati, Booty used to take his afternoon meal sitting on the left side of Sri Sai Baba in the mosque. Every year dramatic performances were held at Shirdi in front of Chavadi. Bapusaheb Booty would annually donate as much as 500 rupees to defray the costs. Many people would come from the surrounding villages to see these performances.

When the daily trip to Lendi became almost a ceremonial festival procession Booty would walk on the left of Baba. At the last moments of Sri Sai Baba, Bapusaheb Booty, Kakasaheb Dixit and others were anxiously waiting upon Baba but Baba asked them to go to the Wada and return after having their food. A committee was formed to manage the worship of Sai Baba's Samadhi, comprising of 15 members with Shriman Bapusaheb Booty as the Chairman. Booty employed G. K. Dixit to take care of Baba's samadhi. Most devotees spoke and argued with Baba off and on, but only three, viz. Booty, Noolkar and Khaparde kept always silent. They were meek, modest, humble and good-natured. The conduct of the Gurupoornima festival was the responsibility of the late Gopal Mukund alias Bapusaheb Booty. The sons of the late Bapusaheb Booty conducted to this festival till 1940, and since 1941, the Sansthan has been conducting this festival, the sons of Booty were then contributing Rs. 100/- as part of the expense